Reaching Across CDC began in 1999, when Pastor Samuel Reeves took eight Madison Square Church members to Monrovia, Liberia on a mission trip to our new sister church, Providence Baptist Church.
This trip changed team member Julia Abedi’s life, and subsequently the life of one young girl, Princess Gbea. Princess was a child Julia (Nurse Judy) helped in her community while in Liberia. As a result of that relationship, Princess has returned to help her entire community. This is the inspiration behind Reach Across.
Mission Statement:
Changing communities one child at a time
I, Julia Abedi (aka. Nurse Judy) feel God calling us to stretch our faith in Him. So, on faith, we started Reaching Across Community Development Coalition.
We are a Wholistic Health Organization
We aspire to equip children with daily food, shelter and education, empower families to be self-sufficient, and encourage them to give back to their community.
- Our first step is to ensure proper nutrition in 3 meals a day.
- Our second step is to make sure all children in our program are being educated.
- Our third step is job training to all parents in the program.
- Sanitation – disease-prevention
- Budgeting – money management
- Stable/Clean Housing
- Community Empowerment – hosting monthly praise & worship services; outreach ministry
- Self-sufficiency
With the help of 5 people sending $40USD a month for supplies — rice, oil, soap and seasonings — Reaching Across is able to feed 100-125 children one week out of every month.
Madison Square CRC – Grand Rapids, MI
Providence Baptist Church – Liberia, West Africa