I would like to thank Madison Square Church family, Resonate and Providence Baptist Church for allowing me to go on this short term ministry trip. I can say that I did not have enough Faith in God that things will work out the way they did.

     This trip was during the rainy season, and on the day we called a meeting for the parents it was raining very hard. However 87 parents showed in the heavy rain to sign up their children for school — this is one of the Faith in God I’m talking about. I was able to go in and interview 16 school Principles and tell them about our Madison Square and Providence Baptist Church connection. God was very awesome — he connected me to Josikan International Academy who decreased their school fees in half allowing us to put 17 children in their school. This is just another testimony to what God did for us. In all we were able to get 70 children in school including paying full tuition for 40 children. For the six weeks I was there my Faith in God increased. I didn’t think that we will be able to do this maybe just have 40 to 50 children in school, but we were able to place all 70 children in school.

 I went to work at BoWaterside clinic and they introduced me to a young lady — her name is Musu — she was a Muslim but in the school that she attends at BoWaterside it is a Christian school and this young lady decided to commit her life to Christ. Her family, upon hearing this, made her an outcast and refused to pay for her tuition, her uniforms, books…. everything. This young lady is now being cared for by BoWaterside and Madison Square.

This year makes it 20 years that I have been a part of our sister to sister relationship and God has brought me from the back of Madison Square Church to become a part-time missionary for Resonate and to start a nonprofit called Reaching Across to serve His Children in Matadi Liberia — and I give God all the praise!!!
thank you
Nurse Judy